
How to prepare inspection report?

First of all, before inspection and preparing inspection report there are some basic requirments. For any areas of inspection you must be expert of scope, well educated, certified or trained. Then able to write, to touch, to smell, to see, to hear, to think. But sometime the experince more important than others. Even you work hard at site to inspect aircraft, pipe mill, pipe line, welding, ship building, towers, bridges, huge costructions, spacecraft the most important part of the inspection activities is the good prepared Inspection report.

How to prepare inspection report?

Inspection report is the technical and literary make up of your job. But this make up can not be clean up. This make up is permanent in your work carrier. So how should inspection report be prepaired. First Inspection report should be simple, understandable by client or by your boss. It should include introduction, progress and result. But it is not a literary novel or romantic poem, allways use simple and technical words. Most of your reports shoud include numbers, standards, process, procedures, test plans, technical feed backs etc. Use your beautiful words in sections of comments, concerns, remarks, informations, advises etc.

Inspection report should include item below;

  1. Date and place
  2. Introduce yourself and attendies of inspection activities
  3. PO, Spec, ITP numbers
  4. Contact details
  5. Other ID datas requeted by Clint
  6. Purpose of inspection visit
  7. Inspection summary and findings
  8. ITP Steps
  9. Shop tour
  10. Areas of concerns
  11. Commnets
  12. Action required
  13. Attacahments
  14. Calibration records
  15. Document Status
  16. HSE issues

Please find below some samles of inspection reports…

Some samples of inspection report,

Purpose of inspection visit;

For 168,3 X 7,11 mm 21.000 m 3LPE + Internal Coating X42M bare pipe HFI, ERW production and QC activities control, review and check according to Bare Pipe Inspection & Test Plan Document No: XXX-ITP-ERW-YYY-1919  Rev.2 and for mentioned items below.

Item 5: Accumulation; coil dimensional and visual control according to MPS

Item 6: Edge preparation, visual check for machining quality, root face.

Item 7: Forming according to MPS

Item 8: HF Welding, MPS, WPS, Amp, voltage, speed control, record review.

Item 9: Metallographic examination, No martensite, weld geometry, no crack check.

Item 10: ID / OD Scarfing , MPS, Acc. API 5L 46TH Edition.

Item 11: Heat treatment Acc. To MPS.

Item 12: Length Cutting;  Acc. To MPS and PO 97 % of pipes  12 – 13 meters long. Less than  3 % pipes within 8 – 12 meters long.

Item 13: Flattening test;  Acc. API 5L 46TH Edition. Fig.6, 4 tests per coil, 2 tests in case of weld stop.

Before inspection report!

Inspection summary and findings,

Inspection activities have been performed at X-Company (Mars Mill) on 26 August-2020.  Inspector Semih BULGUR and from Manufacturer (Quality Engineer) Mr. X and QC Supervisor Mr. Can have joined meeting to perform ITP steps’ review and shop tour, dimensional controls, items check, monitoring production steps.

Coils used for recent production (04- 168,3 X 7,11 mm 21.000 m 3LPE + Internal Coating X42M) have been selected randomly and visually and dimensionally controlled. Coils windings, telescopy, thickness, width found acceptable. No heavy dent or crown has been found. Minor rusty surface has been found on the outside of the coils but no heavy corrosion and deep pitting have been found. Salt test for the coils will be done on next visit after supplying of Ag(NO3) chemical solution. Coils and slitted parts marking and barcode labels have been reviewed. Please find below some coils’ infos.

1- Before production inspection of randomly Selected coils. 

For Item 04 – 168.3 Ø mm.x 7,11 mm Pipe.

Coil No: L02425xxx,  Heat No:LA01yyy

Measured: Coil Wall Thickness:    7.10- 7.15 mm.   Acceptable

Measured: Coil Width: 1580 mm.    Acceptable

Visual Inspection:  OK Please also see some photos below.

For Item 04 – 168.3 Ø mm.x 7,11 mm Pipe.

Coil No: L0242pipip,  Heat No:LA0nmnmn

Measured: Coil Wall Thickness:    7.09- 7.10 mm.   Acceptable

Measured: Coil Width: 1582 mm.    Acceptable

Visual Inspection:  OK Please also see some photos below.

Material Certificates (Check ,Hold) Review.

Coil certificates have been reviewed certificates and producrd pipe list and coil lists’ pdf document is attached to this report.

 Application ITP Doc. No :GBtvyz-ITP-Axxxxxx-1919 Rev.2

ITP  Activity No: 2

Application Procedure: Document No: Bnmnm- Gom- CxAC- 0123 COIL ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE.

Application Standard: API 5L   46th Edition.

Required Material API PSL 2  X 42 M

X- 42 Material 3.1 Certificates have been reviewed. Heat number and coil list, welding operator’s qualification certificates for ERW HFI welding were reviewed and attached to this report. Pre WPS Euhıkol.PRO.PWxv.2011 was reviewed and verified at side during welding opreration. For  MPS  No. Gxx-KLT-Spxt-MPS-1923 and Specification AAxyzxyn-Aaa-Pli-Rx-00039 review ongoing.

Welding procedure Gezx-ERxc-PRO02-039, Visual and dimensional inspection  procedure GBir-KLTop-PRi-NDT-38, Heat treatment procedure for ERW HFI Pipes   G26-ERW-K45-PRop-24, Hydro test procedure  Gvb-Hyu-Pre-ERW-32 have been reviewed.

Please find in the attachement (coil list, produced pipe list produced in this day, material certificates)

What is inspector engineer?

Shop Tour;

Measurement devices’ calibration traceability marking and records have been verified. From accumulator to length cutting ERW mill activities were monitored. Accumulation, forming, welding (Parameters, frequency, welding speed, amperage) ID/OD scarfing controlled. Turk head, heat treatment, cooling, length cut have been monitored. Beveling was ongoing. Please see photos.

Pipe end bevel for pin side controlled and found 75 Degree and 3.1 mm root face. And also thickness measurement found acceptable. Production flattening tests have been witnessed and found acceptable.

Due to the production and quality control activities stopped on 03:00 pm hydrotest and other activities could not be monitored.

Areas of Concern / Actions Required

Minor rusted surface areas have been found on the outside of the coils but no heavy corrosion and deep pitting have been found.

Vendor claimed for some differences between specification no. Axyxyxy-Azzxzx-Pxc-Rpo-00139  and ITPs have been submitted to client  as a deviation and approved. Deviation list and approval status requested from Vemdorand will be submitted ASAP.

Another inspection report sample;


Summary of inspection;

Vendor has been completed bare pipe HFI/ERW for item 04 – 168,3 X 7,11 mm 21.000 m  and item 05 –  219,1 X  8,18 mm 10.500 m. OD PE Coating production has been almost completed for item 04 – 168,3 X 7,11 mm 21.000 m.

 On this visit For 04 –  168,3 X 7,11 mm 21.000 m  Zaplok 3LPE + Internal Coating X42M PE coating production, shift QC tests, Lab. Tests, surface preparing test, QC activities’ control, documents review and check according to Coating Inspection & Test Plan Document No: G25-Ikl-E0RW-ASsol-1256  Rev.4. And also 05 –  219,1 X  8,18 mm 10.500 m  bare pipe final visual and dimensional inspection carried out according to Bare Pipe Inspection & Test Plan Document No: G25-ITP-E45-ASilo-19516  Rev.2

Inspection activities on Setember 10, 2039;


3.1 Material Certificates have been reviewed of Borea Borcoat HE38658 PE, adhesive Boran ME041452 and Jot AC 208523S FBE certificates. Batch numbers (52002756368,  24000078635, 23-5868, 1085478-20, 28596)  are also cross checked with Lab. test reports. MPS  No. G58-K393-SPC93-MPS-1569 and Specification AAA5365-AAA-mhy*PL-RQ-000fh review ongoing.

Efective inspection report!

Coil list for 8,18 mm wall thickness and PE coated pipe list submitted by Vendor review ongoing. Salt test for the steel coils will be done after Vendor supplying of Ag(NO3) chemical solution.


Shop Tour;


During shop tour after blasting oil traces were found on the blasted surface of the some pipes.  marten has been commented to send back related pipes for re-blasting. Tomorrow issue will be check again. Please see photos. Measurement devices’ calibration traceability marking and records have been verified. Pls see photos.


3 Layer PE thickness and FBE thickness found acceptable. Adhesive layer thickness will be shown by cross cut macro examination due to the same time application of PE and adhesive.


Gfdf-ITP4367-EdjW-ADJJJSSSDCA-19UY8T Rev.4  item 5 pipe surface temperature measurement found acceptable. Degree of cure Delta Tg of FBE will be checked by batch data sheet.  No repair activities witnessed on this day.

How starts everything?

According to ITP Gfdf-ITP4367-EdjW-ADJJJSSSDCA-19UY8T Rev.4   item 7 remaining FBE range and cut back area distance found acceptable for Pin side. For bell end exceeded PE area acceptable and will be measured also after pipe end expansion. Pls see photos.

Inspection activities on Setember 11, 2039;


PE Process QC reports, cut back reports, PE thickness and lab test reports reviewed and signed. 3.1 Material Certificates of Borea Borcoat HE38658 PE, adhesive Boran ME041452 and Jot AC 208523S FB certificates reviewed and signed. MPS  No. GFR-KRF-SGRGMPS-197 and Specification AARGR-RG-GRG-RQ-SRTH00345 reviewed. 8” – 219,1 X  8,18 mm bare pipes final controls have been carried out.

Shop Tour;

8” – 219,1 X  8,18 mm bare pipe production is completed and final visual and dimensional controls have been carried out at site. Diameter, ovality, bevel angle, root face, wall thickness, length, straightness, squareness  measurement found acceptable. Most of the pipes have been found with burrs on the bottom of the root face after beveling. Vendor has been commented to eliminate this issue.  See photos.

Long term test (Indentation test)  has been witnessed and started according to  GBB-ITP-sfhngh-kd-19363 Rev.4  item 8.

Oil traces indicated yesterday  on the blasted surface have been checked again on this day. İssue found eliminated by Vendor. Dust tests and appearance check have been found acceptable.

Other test reports for Shore D, Flexibility tests, Holiday test, Peel strength, impact test reports also reviewed. In the shop tour Surface cleaning degree SA 2 ½ , Dust level ISO  8502-3 , Surface roughness, salt test measurements found acceptable. Pls see photos and attachment.

Final controls,

3 Layer PE thickness and FBE thickness found acceptable. Adhesive layer thickness has been shown by cross cut macro examination report due to the same time application of PE and adhesive. GBB-ITP-sfhngh-kd-19363 Rev.4  item 8. pipe surface temperature measurement found acceptable. Degree of cure Delta Tg of FBE will be checked by batch data sheet.  No repair activities witnessed on this day.

According to ITP Gds-ITdffg-ERW-AaedaA-1e560 Rev.7  item remaining FBE range and cut back area distance found acceptable for Pin side. Bell end exceeded PE area (3% of pipes in 0-5 mm and 97 % of pipes in 5-15 mm) acceptable and will be measured also after pipe end expansion.

Calibration records for Measurement devices’ used on the final control have been requested from Vendor.

Areas of Concern / Actions Required (Bullet Points):

During shop tour after blasting oil traces were found on the blasted surface of the some pipes. Vendor has been commented to send back related pipes for re-blasting. Vendor corrected commented issue. Next day visit no indications have been found on the blasted surface

Most of the pipes have been found with burrs on the bottom of the root face after beveling. Vendor has been commented to eliminate this commented issue.

Semih Bulgur

I am a info worker for your information!

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