Gabriel Garcia Marquez Quotes | Gabriel Jose de la Conciliacion Garcia Marquez (6 March, 1928) Colombian writer, novelist. As of 2005, Ciudad was also living in Mexico. And what did Gabriel Garcia Marquez say? What is the Marquez quotes?
- You should be afraid of those who have nothing to lose. Because they will do anything to win.
- The biggest mistake of a person; not to value more than necessary, but to value himself less than deserved.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez Quotes, What is love?
- It is happiness if you laugh together, If you cry together, it is friendship; but if you are silent together, this is real love …
- If you have some mind; When you cannot find the conditions you want for happiness, you should know how to be happy under the conditions you find.
The worst form of alienation to someone is sitting next to him and knowing that he will never reach him.
If you give him another chance, you are willing to deceive yourself again.
- Don’t waste your time with someone who isn’t interested in spending her time with you.
Garcia Marquez Quotes, He Talks!
- It is not your fault that you are expensive for cheap people. Remember that Man seems to be incomplete rather than understand. that’s all !
- Sometimes you will talk so that he cannot answer. Sometimes you will be so silent that he will not dare to speak in front of you.
- Not only words do man, but eyes also hide something. Even though the words deny; eyes say it all.
- When Happiness closes the door, another opens; but we look at the closed door so much that we cannot see the new door opened.
Maybe God asked you to meet the wrong people before you knew the appropriate person, to be grateful when you knew him.
Who cares!
- In your absence while you are cold, He is unaware of your existence.
Everything happened for a reason.
A famous writer who wants to continue writing should always protect himself against fame.
When you look like your father,
- As soon as a man starts to look like his father, he realizes that he is aging.
- One day we will all be silent forever. So don’t hesitate to say to your loved ones, “I love you.”
- You can only be one person for the whole world, but for some you are one world.
Don’t spend time with someone who isn’t ready to spend it with you.